Marcus Global specializes in developing realistic, integrated and risk-appropriate programs, using organizational culture to its own advantage. Securing the enterprise inevitably generates friction. But friction generates heat, and heat is energy. That energy can be harnessed for the organization’s purpose.

There is no “vaccine” for risk. Instead, Marcus Global partners with clients to develop an “Immune System” for the enterprise; programs that align with organizational culture, optimize resources and put the client’s business needs first. Marcus Global’s methodology begins with making security an integral and organic part of the organization, and a fit with culture and business objectives.

We are catalysts, not consultants.

Many security consultants claim to ‘solve’ security problems and ‘protect’ organizations from threats, real or perceived. They do this by postulating worst- case scenarios, proposing more and more controls that inevitably increase complexity. They want to sell you, or have their affiliates sell you, services and products that are required to implement those controls—in other words, “guards, guns, and gates.” They propose complicated, cumbersome programs and policies that are costly to operationalize and costlier to sustain. They cannot tell you how effective these controls will be nor how to measure their success. When security challenges inevitably arise – and they will – the proposed response will be to sell you more guards, guns and gates.

Security risk is not solvable and not all threats are preventable. They must be carefully and realistically identified, understood and managed by making thoughtful business decisions about the threat landscape, risk tolerance, and the cost/benefit of mitigations. Costs may be financial, operational or cultural, but they will always include friction. You can choose what to pay for, but you cannot choose not to pay.

“Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it–turns it to its purposes, incorporates it into itself, so,
too, a rational being can turn each setback into raw material and use it to achieve its goal.”
—Marcus Aurelius